Start your easy and fast search of Stability Healthcare’s nationwide Clinical Lab Scientist (CLS) Jobs traveling nurse jobs here. Our mission is to provide the adventure and exploration of travel, along with the comforts of home!
Stability Healthcare is searching for a traveling med lab scientist that can be highly analytical and knowledgeable about laboratory equipment, biology, and chemistry, while also possessing exceptional organizational and management abilities as well.
The medical lab scientists will analyze body fluids and tissue samples for tests that will shed light on what afflicts a patient or if the treatment is effective. Clinical laboratory scientists will deal directly with tests for patients with cancer, diabetes, and other conditions that require precise analysis and proper interpretation of results. The quality of the diagnosis depends entirely on the work carried out by the Medical Lab Scientists.
A Certified Clinical Lab Scientist is not the same as a Certified Clinical Lab Technician, Laboratory Assistant, or even a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT). While similar, the Lab Scientist will be the one that performs the tests and handles most of the complex and advanced equipment. The medical laboratory scientist will manage the cell cultures and the fluids, will monitor the cells and look for abnormalities, and oversee the entire lab team, including the technicians and the assistants.
The medical lab scientist is essential and will work alongside pathologists, physicians, and other nurses to make a potentially life-saving diagnosis daily.
At Stability Healthcare, we have job opportunities for qualified and professional Medical Lab Scientists looking for Travel Med Lab Scientist jobs. A CLS or MLS will carry out complex tests on fluid and tissue samples from patients and report their results. A clinical laboratory scientist will work with and supervise clinical laboratory technicians or medical laboratory technicians using sophisticated lab equipment, like microscopes and tissue embedding machines. Med Lab Scientists will also manage the laboratory and be in charge of improving quality control and maintenance.
We offer positions with plenty of employee benefits, development opportunities, travel and living support, and the best-paid Clinical Lab Scientist jobs.
Get the perfect medical laboratory scientist job today in Stability Healthcare.
Several Travel Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS) jobs are available through Stability Healthcare. Also known as medical laboratory scientists (MLS), they work to analyze all types of biological samples provided to them by the rest of the lab and healthcare team. They report the results of their scientific testing to physicians, making them a vital part of a patient’s diagnostic and treatment process.
We’re looking for trained and experienced medical professionals searching for Travel Clinical Laboratory Scientist (MLT) jobs. Jobs for medical laboratory scientists are in high demand. The BLS estimates that clinical laboratory scientist and technician job positions are expected to grow 11 percent for the next decade, among the fastest in the field. The position will offer applicants challenging, fast-paced, rewarding, and diverse work in diverse environments that also come with generous benefits.
Check our job opportunities at Stability Healthcare and start a new step in your career!
87 E Green St., Suite 202, Pasadena, CA 91105