Start your easy and fast search of Stability Healthcare’s nationwide Echocardiogram Technician Jobs traveling nurse jobs here. Our mission is to provide the adventure and exploration of travel, along with the comforts of home!
Stability Healthcare is searching for a travel echocardiogram technician who will oversee and operate highly advanced ultrasound equipment meant to view the heart chambers, valves, and vessels by producing 2D and 3D images. They use a device to project conical or rectangular beams of high-frequency sound that generate waves later interpreted by a computer as images. These renderings of the heart are called echocardiograms or cardiac sonograms as well.
Cardiac sonographers, another name for echo techs, are supervised by a licensed physician and are crucial to diagnosing and treating cardiac patients. Echo techs carry out the ultrasound imaging process while the patient is either resting or active and then hand over the resulting data to the physician, who uses it to diagnose the patient and thus begin treatment. An echo technician will also aid the physician by providing the patient with any medication or substance that will support their cardiac examination, like placing a transducer in the patient’s esophagus to obtain quality ultrasound images. Therefore, an echo technician must also be skilled in communicating with patients and managing their doubts, questions, and fears about the process. Echo techs can then specialize in several fields, including adult, pediatric, and even fetal echocardiography.
At Stability Healthcare, we have job opportunities for qualified and professional Echocardiogram Technicians looking for Travel Echo Tech jobs. Echo technicians operate specialized equipment that uses high-frequency sound waves to generate a 2D or 3D image of a patient’s heart. Echo techs’ other responsibilities include record keeping and maintaining the equipment and ultrasound area. We offer positions with plenty of employee benefits, development opportunities, travel and living support, and the best-paid Echo Tech jobs. Get the perfect echo technician job today in Stability Healthcare.
Several Travel Echocardiogram Technician (Echo Tech) jobs are available through Stability Healthcare. Also called echo technicians or echo techs, they are ultrasound technicians that specialize in using echocardiogram machines to obtain images of patients’ hearts. They work with other healthcare givers to diagnose and treat heart conditions by gathering information and generating images. We’re looking for trained and experienced medical professionals searching for Travel Echo Tech jobs. Jobs for experienced echo technicians are in high demand. The BLS estimates that medical sonographers and cardiovascular technologists’ job positions are expected to grow a whopping 14 percent for the next decade, among the fastest in the field. The position will offer applicants challenging, fast-paced, rewarding, high-tech, and diverse work in diverse environments, with generous benefits.
Echo tech responsibilities include, but might not be limited to, the following:
Check our job opportunities at Stability Healthcare and start a new step in your career!
87 E Green St., Suite 202, Pasadena, CA 91105