Start your easy and fast search of Stability Healthcare’s nationwide Histology Technician Jobs traveling nurse jobs here. Our mission is to provide the adventure and exploration of travel, along with the comforts of home!
Playing a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, histology technicians (HTs) are specialized medical lab workers that prepare tissue samples from patients for the pathologist to examine. Also known as histologic technicians in some facilities, they receive specimens taken from surgical, diagnostic, or even autopsy cases and create microscopic structures for analyzing, along with also sorting, logging, and prioritizing these samples. They also prepare solutions, stains, and reagents according to the written and standard procedures.
After receiving orders from physicians and pathologists, the histology technician will coordinate the day-to-day tasks and activities in the pathology department to execute in a proper manner all routine or special procedures. Histology techs also manage and maintain the supplies and laboratory equipment, keeping it ready when the pathologist needs them. Histology techs can specialize in areas like muscle or kidney biopsies, immunohistochemistry staining, dermatology specimens, and frozen sectioning.
Identifying and understanding any pathology, like cancer, would be impossible without the contributions and skills these allied health professionals bring to the lab.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that the number of jobs available for medical equipment preparers will increase by 7% from 2021 to 2031.
We offer positions with plenty of employee benefits, development opportunities, travel and living support, and the best-paid Histology Technician jobs. Get the perfect traveling job today in Stability Healthcare!
A Histology Technician is a key member of a pathology laboratory team, in charge of handling, receiving, processing, and preparing tissue samples that the lab’s pathologist later examines. The histology tech is overall in charge of coordinating tasks and activities within the lab to ensure a proper diagnosis of any patient illnesses.
If you’re a Histology Tech looking for job opportunities, we are looking for you! A bright future lies ahead for histology technicians, both those now working in the field and those who wish to pursue it.
Check our job opportunities at Stability Healthcare and start a new step in your career!
87 E Green St., Suite 202, Pasadena, CA 91105