Start your easy and fast search of Stability Healthcare’s nationwide Respiratory Therapist Jobs traveling nurse jobs here. Our mission is to provide the adventure and exploration of travel, along with the comforts of home!
A certified respiratory therapist is needed to join our growing team of healthcare experts. Setting up and operating therapeutic gas administration apparatuses and mechanical ventilators, providing emergency care such as external cardiac massage, artificial respiration, or assistance with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and maintaining charts containing patient identification are among the responsibilities.
You must have an accredited respiratory therapy degree and an RCP license to be considered for this position. Experience with respiratory equipment and knowledge of pulmonary function and rehabilitation are prerequisites for this position’s success.
The following are the requirements for respiratory therapist:
A respiratory therapist (RT) is trained to help people with lung diseases or disorders that can result from a myriad of issues. They treat patients dealing with pulmonary distress due to complications from asthma, bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia, chest trauma, prematurity, lung cancer, and more. Respiratory therapists are in high demand, too, with industry growth projected to be at least 23 percent over the next decade according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Get the perfect respiratory therapist job today in Stability Healthcare.
Patients who have trouble breathing often require the assistance of respiratory therapists. Emphysema and asthma are two examples of chronic respiratory disorders that fall within this category. Patients range from newborn babies with underdeveloped lungs to adults suffering from a variety of lung diseases. They are also able to provide first aid in the event of a problem with breathing, a heart attack, drowning, or shock.
A respiratory therapy technician is another name for this type of person.
Here are the obligations of a respiratory therapist:
Check our job opportunities at Stability Healthcare and start a new step in your career!
87 E Green St., Suite 202, Pasadena, CA 91105