Travel Nurse Resume
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that writing a resume isn’t an easy task. It’s something that most nurses don’t even go over in nursing school in the first place. With travel nursing jobs on the rise during the COVID-19 pandemic, lots nurses are revisiting their resumes. A travel nurse resume has some key differences from a regular nursing resume, and yours may need some refining.
If you’re trying to get that travel nursing job you dream about, make sure to include these five things in your travel nurse resume:
1. Certifications & Licenses
If there’s one thing you can’t forget on a travel nurse resume, it’s your certificates.
There are a number of certifications you need to become a travel nurse. These often include a Master of Science in Nursing and a related nursing specialty certificate. You should always mention these in as much detail as possible, as well as any other certificates you may have.
The more certificates you can show off, the more qualified you’ll appear.
2. Relevant Work History
You want to be as honest and open about your work history as possible on your resume.
Include full details on every nursing job you’ve ever had, and give your potential employer all the details they need to follow-up on your jobs. Details to write-in include:
- Job title and description of that title
- Name/location of the facility, type of facility, contact details
- Exact start and end dates
- Number of beds in facility, unit you worked in
- Specific duties completed
The more details you can give on your previous jobs the better. This shows you as a working professional. Only include relevant jobs — that grocery store clerk job you had as a teenager likely doesn’t have too much pull on a travel nursing job.
3. Professional Prose, Action Words
The best resumes use not just professional wording, but action words to hook the reader in.
Always triple-check your resume for spelling and grammar errors and awkward phrasing. You can even bring your resume to a professional to have it checked over if that’s not your strong suit. Once the language is perfect, it’s time to mix in some action words.
Action words like tested, administered, and coordinated may be suitable on a nursing resume. Fit them in where they make sense, and don’t overstuff your resume. These words will help keep your resume exciting when used tactfully.
4. Education
You worked hard for your education, so flaunt it on your resume.
Include the full details of where you went to school, for how long, a full address and telephone number. List the degree achieved, your GPA, and any references you may have made there. If you did any interning, or any specialty courses while in school, mention those too.
5. Custom Summary
You should always tailor your cover letter for each travel nursing job, but that goes for resumes, too.
Study the position before you apply and tailor your professional summary to it. Highlight how you can help in the specific position, and include buzzwords you think they’ll like. The more you study the assignment listing and company (check social media pages, company website, etc.) the better you can pull this off.
Submit the Best Travel Nurse Resume Every Time
Your travel nurse career starts with a standout travel nurse resume. Follow the five tips above and wow the travel nursing agency every time!
If you need a good travel nursing agency to find your next assignment, click here to see what Stability can do for you.