Featured Nurse: Pamela

CategoriesTravel Nursing

Meet our Stability Featured nurse, Pamela! A Navy Veteran who began her travel nursing journey after hearing about the extreme needs hospitals in rural Georgia were having and has been loving it. Keep reading to learn more about her incredible journey:

What is your current specialty and placement?

What is your favorite part of travel nursing?

I love the opportunities I get to learn, meet people, and explore a new city.

What is a place on your bucket list for a travel nursing job?

San Francisco, Ca

Tell us about your career history – how did you become a travel nurse?

I am a Navy Veteran who had always been interested in the medical field. Once I was honorably discharged from the military, I started working towards becoming a nurse. I started my nursing career at Emory University Hospital in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit. I loved it there and the friends I made. I decided to start travel nursing after hearing about the extreme nursing needs rural hospitals in Georgia had. I’ve been at my first assignment for five months and love it!

Have you found any sort of community while travel nursing? 

There is a very close-knit community of travel nurses at my current assignment. Everyone has been friendly and very helpful.

What are some of your favorite hobbies and activities outside of work? 

I love extreme activities such as sky diving, zip-lining, and white water rafting. I love hiking and exploring different areas of Ga. I also love watching Netflix with my husband and vegging out on the couch.

What do you always pack? 

I ALWAYS pack my Mudwater (coffee replacement). It gives me energy without the eventual crash you get from coffee.

Any advice for future travelers? 

Flexibility is key in being a travel nurse!

What are your go-to ways to relieve stress?

I manage my stress by reading, watching movies, traveling, and exercising.

Tell us a little about your mental health journey. What do you struggle with/have you struggled with in the past? What has helped you work through your struggles?

These past two years I’ve struggled with always bringing my work home. This constant stress on what I could have done better and worrying about my patients took a toll on me. I’ve had to learn to leave work at work and to concentrate on my family and hobbies when I’m not in the hospital.

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