Tips and Tricks for Budgeting as a Travel Nurse

Travel RN Higher Salary

Travel nursing can be one of the most fun experiences of your life, but it is easy to forget about budgeting when you are trying to take full advantage of the new city you are living in. We’ve put together some tips and tricks to make sure you are keeping track of your financial responsibilities and still able to have a good time.

Take the time to find discounts

There are countless websites that offer all sorts of coupons and ways to save money. Finding the best deal is always in your best interest when you are trying to maintain a healthy budget. There are places you can find deals on just about everything. Here are some of our favorites:

Keep an emergency fund

You never know what can happen in life, so it is always good to set aside a chunk of money so you don’t have to stress if something goes wrong. Pick an amount you think is a valid emergency fund and add a bit of money from every paycheck until you hit the goal.

Set a leisure budget

When you set out to experience a new city, it can be easy to forget how much you actually spend on activities and experiences. Before your placement set a goal of how much you want/or are willing to spend on experiences. Once you are at your placement keep track of how much you spend to make sure you don’t go over your limit.

Cook meals at home

Nursing schedules can be sporadic and random- this means you don’t usually have a set in stone eating schedule. Eating out starts to become the easy and convenient option, but that is most definitely not the cost effective option. It is amazing how much money you can save by eating and preparing meals at home. Check out these quick and easy snacks you can make a home to fuel you through your shift. Of course this doesn’t mean you have to forgo the food culture of the city you are in, but being smart with when you eat out will allow you to spend more on the food that is worth it!


Your savings account is so important. With a lucrative job like travel nursing, you will be able to put a percentage of every paycheck into a savings account for safe keeping. Putting just a little in every paycheck will add up and you will thank yourself later.

Choose the Right Agency

Choosing a travel nursing agency like Stability will ensure you get the bang for your buck. Not only do they find the highest-paying placements, but the agents also help you find affordable housing and insurance packages. Find an agency that will take care of the major details so you don’t have to.

In the end, it is all about being aware of where your money goes. When you have a big paycheck every month, the easy option is to not think about how much you spend, but before you know it your savings account will have a lot less than you planned. Budget yourself so you can enjoy your traveling lifestyle and take full advantage of your new home.

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